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Current events! HURRY!!! Now, now, now!

I'm the devil. Alright, alright, alright.

I’m the devil. Alright, alright, alright.

In the world of literature you get lucky. David Baldacci wrote “Absolute Power”, it sold and kind of sat under the radar. Until the President of the United States of America was caught up in a sex scandal, and then that lonely novel, which was doing okay was made into a movie. Current events can do that. Propel a work up the ladder and cash in. You can’t predict what will happen, but given the current climate chances are good a writer could scratch something out and after they are finished that very thing could happen.

Stephen King went with the tried and true. Disease outbreak. It wasn’t new. Or timely. He wrote it in 1978, and diseases were not the next “big thing”. It sold well, and was made into a made for T.V. movie that lasted several days. Gary Sinise played Stew, and Jamey Sheridan was Randall Flagg. Well, guess what? Ebola is all the rage now.

Anybody watch the YA novel turned heart felt movie “The Fault In Our Stars”? The director, Josh Boone, is now slated to drive “The Stand” to the big screen. Matthew McConaughey is being courted to play the devil incarnate (Flagg), so you can begin to hate him. Stew, in the novel, is from Arnette, TX. McConaughey is from Texas, so is Luke Wilson. Let’s swap them up. Alright alright alright.


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