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Writing Soundtracks: Act 1

Wake up, you’re gettin’ high on your own supply Oh, baby, you’re still alive when you could’ve died, oh The world is not around because of you You know I’m not around because of you You’ve got a mouthful of diamonds And a pocketful of secrets I know you’re never telling anyone Because the patterns … Continue reading

  • I've been hitting the Banned Books websites lately and I often come away shaking my head. The latest came from South Carolina where a state legislator decided to attempt funding cuts for two colleges due to a class requiring students to read a particular book. Huh? In college I read plenty of crap I  preferred to have been beer (books were expensive, now ebooks are making it cheap). Anybody ever read Comforts of Home? Here's the story South Carolina lawmaker wants to defund colleges that teach award-winning LGBT books (via Raw Story ) A South Carolina legislator wants to punish two public colleges for teaching a book that discusses homosexuality to freshmen. State Representative Garry Smith (R-Simpsonville) claimed that teaching Alison Bechdel’s award-winning graphic novel Fun… (more…)
Happy Hiker Trash

Life is short, climb a mountain!

Wanderstruck Studio

Adventure-Inspired Fine Art by Kris Grenier

Grady P Brown - Author

Superheroes - Autism - Fantasy - Science Fiction

Tales and Such

Writings, wondering, and stuff